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NAME : Arnie Extra

AKA : Josef Goldberg

Position : 12G MEMBER / Expendable henchman

H.Q. : Belfast

D.O.B : 15/05/81


E.mail : mrgordon@ntlworld.com

ICQ : 33573988

known hideouts : cs_rio, cs_assault

known 2 carry : bennelli m3 (!2 9()), Desert Eagle, a really big grenade, loose change

Quote : We dont take no sh*at frum nooooo city folk!

known 2 carry guns and use them!!!!
u hav been warned....


Used to be known as Josef Goldberg (not my real name) for well
over a year. Ended up in a clan called <-:RIOT:-> after being
invited into it at a lan game. Never played a single game for
them in what must of been a year I was in the clan. Basically I
got bored with RIOT and decided that if i was going to get
anymore out of the game I was prolly going to have to join a
more suitible clan as it seemed I needed to goto the lans to be
in RIOT which i couldnt be bothered doing. Around this time I
was beginning to mess around with different guns rather than the
AK-47. I changed my name to Arnie Extra to represent the higher
death rates I was getting with the stranger weapons. Under
constant advice from a friend called Wonderdog I decided to give
the 12 gauge a try and after seeing some of the [12-GAUGES] in
action i decided to apply which I did and here I am.

Click here 4 Arnies clq scores

Happy Hunting