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[12-GAUGES] V [-WTD-]
Match conditions: 2 maps lasting half an hour each
1st map =Aztec
rounds won:

US = 12
THEM = 14

Not a classic match, but i dont think any one was realy expecting this to be a great one, more of a scap till the end, that is what usualy happens on aztec which is good on a public server but not to good on a friendly match.

Wot we did well???
not a lot. but we started getting some good reults at the end of them map which pulled us up to 12 wins. we basicaly didnt have a plan appart from storm here and storm there. which is all well and good, but as soon as the enemy realises that you are only storming together, then they will reoganise them selfves to counter this, probably by camping at thier spawn, or if they are clever, they all storm in one direction, if they dont meet any one then they can loop round back to the bomb site and get behind you, which i think they did (im not to sure if they were ment to do it but i think they did)
All in all, this was a hard match and deservidly won by WTD, well deservidly won by forlon- hope that is (damn that boy, damn him to hell).

Wot do we need to improve???
well we need to improve our team play a lot, what i noticed is that we were either running off by our selves and just getting picked off 1 by 1 or we were just going in 1 lump and storming in the same place ova and ova again.
more freindly matches should soon sort this one out

[12-GAUGES] V [-WTD-]
Match conditions: 2 maps lasting half an hour each
2nd map =Dust 2
rounds won:

US = 19
THEM = 11
TOP GUN = SATCH = 33 / 26

all in all a good match - as i new it was going to be. Dust 2 always brings out the best in all of us. as you can see we won this map from an amazing come back from us brought on by yours truely. we were gettin our asses wooped like the last map but then things started to change, wether the other team got to over confident, lost theier tactics or we just simply out played them, who knows but in the end we won this map. so that means we ended on a draw for the freindly.

Wot we did well???
quite a lot this round - we worked together as a solid force instead of breaking up at the first sign of noise. when we started winnig the rounds, i think they started to panic or sumthing as they just couldnt stop dieing quick enough so we were doing sumthing right. possibly it was the fact that i won u lot the match (lol) but i aint to sure

Wot do we need to improve???
this is one of those obviouse things but looking at the scores, we badly need to stop dieing so easily. our death rate is bad and i mean BAD.. if we were in the league and we were getting death rates like that we would be relegated so fast in to one of the realy shitty leagues..so the only way i can think of to combat this situation is to just be more carful, walk a bit more and most importantly "DONT PANIC"